Wednesday’s Word | 6.17.2020

Wednesday's Word - June 17, 2020

Some of you may have guessed, I’m a bit of a history buff. I enjoy learning and knowing the history of people and places. History is one of those accessible ways we come to be … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 6.10.2020

Love Has No Color

I know its been a tumultuous time these past days and weeks. This week we saw mourning and grief for Mr. George Floyd on full display. We have had time to absorb the magnitude of … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 5.27.20

Wednesday Word - May 27, 2020

I can remember back to a sermon a not so favorite past bishop of mine preached. In the sermon, he talked about politics. He spoke about how churches and pastors generally eschew speaking about politics … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 5.13.20

Preston Hollow UMC - Spring Flowers

I still have my Easter wreath on my front door, and my Easter decorations in my home. I know we’re in May, which is late Spring heading to Summer. Here’s the deal, we are still … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 5.6.20

Preston Hollow United Methodist Church - Wednesday's Word

During this time of social distancing and sheltering at home, I’m guessing you, like me have some valuable time to yourself. Time which we spend in a variety of ways; completing some home projects that had … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 4.29.20

We have been through some trying times in the last weeks. No doubt about it, it has been very tough. The thing is, we are a tough people and can handle adversity, because we have … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 4.22.20

Maybe I’m the only one to feel this way, but I’m suddenly very aware of all that is around me. I’m feeling particularly blessed today. You might ask, how is it possible that I am … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 4.15.20

We finally made it to Easter, to Resurrection Sunday!  I hope and pray you feel the very presence of the risen Lord in your lives.  Indeed, Christ has risen from the dead, he is not … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 4.8.20

Here we are in the middle of Holy Week, the time of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Jesus washing the feet of his friends.  Jesus celebrating Passover with his these same friends-giving them (and us) … Read More

Wednesday’s Word | 4.1.20

As I begin to gather my thoughts to offer a word today, I want all of you to know you have been weighing on my heart and mind this week. I miss so much your … Read More