Churches Needed For Red Cross/NTC Blood Drive Goal

American Red Cross - Blood Drive

The Conference sets a target of 2,000 pints donated during 2021 drive.

Churches are needed to help save lives through a special North Texas Conference-wide series of blood drives January to May 2021.

St. Stephen UMC and Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Moore were enlisted to help a lay member who runs North Texas blood donations after COVID-19 hit. So far, St. Stephen’s with less than 100 in worship, has hosted 11 drives and collected more than 450 units and met many Mesquite neighbors. 

Since the pandemic hit the Black community hard, blood from those of African ancestry is critically low.

Patients with sickle-cell anemia need up to 100 units per year to survive the disease and are best treated with blood from those of African descent. 

The Red Cross is going to help us meet our 2,000-unit goal by donating $10 per unit, up to $20,000, to a cause/organization of our choosing.

UMC-related ministries working in hard-hit South Dallas–Fair Park will receive these funds (ex. Dallas Bethlehem Center and The Zan Wesley Holmes Community Outreach Center).

If your church is in a position to help host a drive, email Rev. Andrew Fiser or call 501-690-5421. 

Trained Red Cross personnel can safely use indoor spaces but can also send a mobile donation bus.