America Virtual Choir is excited for your participation in the “America Sings Project!” Click here to listen to the music. Please email us at [email protected] for your score. We have parts available for the following instruments:
- Violin 1
- Violin 2
- Viola
- Cello
- Bass
- Trumpet 1
- Trumpet 2
- Trumpet 3
- Trombone 1
- Trombone 2
- Trombone 3
Please Note:
In your music, there is a 20 measure instrumental tacet beginning at measure 41. Please make your first note of measure 40 a half note, then begin to tacet at measure 41. (We are inserting a 20 measure a cappella choral section.) Please begin playing again at the key change at your measure 42.
The deadline for your video submission is Tuesday, June 30th.
Items Needed:
- One or Two devices (phone, tablet, computer)
- One to playback the choral track (using headphones)
- One to record video with sound (you singing with no backing track)
- Can be the same device – just make sure all sound is coming through the headphones
- Headphones
- Sheet music PDF/paper copy…etc
Steps for Recording and Sharing Video:
- Rehearse with your choral track until you are ready to record
- Press record on your video recording device, press play on your guide audio track
- Ensure you have headphones on in order to hear the choral track and prevent the sound of the choral track being re-recorded with the performance video
- Record one complete take
- Save and export the video
- We prefer that you record in daylight in a bright room
- Your recording device needs to be at eye level
- We want you to record horizontally
- Reminder to turn off any unwanted background noise: ex: fans, A/C units etc.
- Please state your name and section (alto, soprano…) And your city/state. Ex: My name is John Doe, I am a tenor from Dallas, Texas
How to transfer files using Wetransfer
- Step 1: Open a browser on the computer where the file is located.
- Step 2: Go to the address bar and type: and hit Enter.
- Step 3: Click on Add Files. ...
- Step 4: Click on “Your Email” and send email to [email protected]
- Step 5: Click on “Transfer”. ...
Performance Recommendations:
- Look nice (Hair and makeup – we will be sharing our video on social media)
- Have a neutral background
- Be aware of lighting – can we see your face well?
- Sing like you are performing!
- Avoid athletic-wear and clothing with large print or logos
- Work to frame your video properly (face and upper torso visible)
- Record with your phone on its side
Thank you for your participation. Happy recording!
Russ Rieger, Artistic Director
Jim Gray, Producer