Wednesday’s Word | 7.29.2020

UMC Preston Hollow Wednesday's Word - July 29, 2020

Its been a strange year so far.

We are completing the seventh, and about to begin the eighth month of 2020. The year has become a blur and with the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been a most unusual year so far. Life, and how we’ve been living it has changed dramatically. Along with the changes, at least for me, the whole year could be seen as a lost year. We’ve been quarantined, sequestered, socially distanced, and ultimately our circle of friends, family and acquaintances has shrunk dramatically. At least the circle we are able to be in physical contact with.

We are about to go into August, with five months remaining in this year. What will we have to show for the 2020 year as accomplishments? We can say we have learned new and interesting ways to be in community with one another. Via the internet and technology, we have been able to continue worshiping as an online community. We have reached a larger audience with our message of “Love, No Exceptions.” We’ve connected with and prayed for many persons and families through our presence on Facebook and our website.  

Its been a strange year so far.

I’ve been wondering what the last five months of this year will look like, what will we be able to say about it when it’s complete? Will we be able to say we have reached new persons with the message of Jesus Christ’s love for all? Will we be able to say our witness has been strong to our community and beyond? Will we be able to say we’ve deepened our own spiritual journeys? Will we be able to say our spirit of generosity has been enlarged and we’ve shared more of what God has blessed us with? Will we be able to say our hearts and minds have been opened to the movement of the Holy Spirit, and with that openness, we have been able to connect others to our community of faith?

Its been a strange year so far.

One thing I’ve learned straight from Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:34, “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” We tend to let our minds become anxious about all that might happen in the future. This robs us of the joy we can find in today. Its been said, “Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised to us.” Jesus would tell us to live in the present. What has been so strange about this year so far, we will have to leave it in the past. There is nothing we can do about it, so no need to be anxious or concerned over it. What will be in the remaining five months of this year, is yet to be seen and experienced. What we have, is right now. What we have are those we love who are around us, and even sequestered from us. What we have is a mind, heart and soul that can help us to cope with right now. So, as strange as this year has been so far, it has been a huge blessing to learn how to live in the now. Praising God for all God is providing right now.

My prayer for each of us is, we will live in the now and give God the glory for God’s presence with us NOW.

Blessings to each of you as we continue our journey,

Pastor Tom