As human beings, we were created to be in community. Its written into our DNA. You’ll remember in the Genesis story, after God created one gender of human being, God said it was not good for one to be alone (Genesis 2:18). From the beginning, we were meant to be in the company of others. Its in community we experience belonging, companionship and love. These are as necessary for us as air is to breathe.

When the cold set in this week, especially on Monday as it was overcast here in Dallas, all I wanted to do was burrow under a quilt and enjoy some alone time. A part of me needs some solitary time. It helps me recharge my soul. Even the most gregarious and outgoing of us, I would say need some time apart.

I love to read and find my alone time is well spent diving into a good book. Its in the reading and thinking, I connect well with my inner self. Some people find their time apart is enjoyed delving into a favorite hobby, craft or art. Still others might take the opportunity when alone to commune in nature through walks or hiking. Whatever the activity, the time apart gives us all time with our own thoughts and ruminations.

What I’ve discovered in my alone time, the solitary time apart, is even then I’m not really alone. It seems its those times I hear so clearly God speaking to me, leading me to consider how and why I am. God speaks at all times, sometimes we are just too busy to take notice. Or, sometimes we’re speaking over God. Or, at othertimes we turn away from God’s voice to hear and engage the voice of the world.

I know some of us crave the hustle and bustle of life, engaging with many, many others. We find the excitement of crowds of people to be engaging and fulfilling. Surely that’s written into us also, since God has said it is not good for us to be alone.

Maybe what God was really saying is being part of community is necessary for our health and welfare, but God didn’t preclude the need to pull away, to find time apart from others. Companionship is very important to all of us, even those who desire a little time away. Being in the company of God helps us to know ourselves a little better, which in turn helps us to be a better companion to others, which in turn strengthens the whole community.

We should always consider the needs of those we share community with. Give space for alone time, and draw near when the need for companionship is sensed. Its a cycle we move through, a push and pul if you will.

I am so blessed to be in community with all of you. Its a healthy relationship we have with one another. We exhibit our care for others, and we honor the times needed to be alone. I know for myself, when I haven’t had enough solitary time, I become cranky and critical, and hard to get along with. I sense it in myself, I’m sure you sense it in yourself too.

We should honor each other’s needs, respecting those needs. Always though, we remain in community with each other. God wants to be in community with us also. That’s why its part of who we are, communing with God and others is inextricable.

I hope the cold days, the deep, cold, dark, days apart are not too much for any of us to bear. But remember, God is in community with us even when we feel the most alone or separated. When the events of the days seem too hard to bear, God is there. We are never alone.

I can’t wait to be in community with you this coming Sunday!

Your companion on the Way,

Pastor Tom