WEDNESDAY WORD | 09.29.2021


I learned very early in my life how to start my day with God. I learned it from my Paternal Grandmother who spent her mornings in prayer and scripture reading as she moved forward to face the day ahead. In the Autumn Season I would stand or sit close to her window and listen to her prayers as she talked to God. Her conversations were most reverent, sincere, and yet as though she was having conversation with her very Best Friend. 

My inspirational devotional life was set in place by watching this Spirited Warrior give HIM thanks for a new day which she hadn’t seen before. She thanked HIM for the safety of last night’s rest and petitioned HIM for the strength to Love and Serve HIM all day long. In her prayer time she would pray for the family, often calling us out by name if our life circumstances required special request. Finally I always knew the ending of that prayer was near as she began her praise to HIM by the clapping of hands, lifting of voice and whatever the Spirit inspired her to do. 

It is so easy become negligent in making sure we “jump start the day ahead” by seeking God’s Guidance as we head into the busy days of our life. We have made much progress with all the modern conveniences, instant breakfast, Drive-Through Stops and we still proclaim, “I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!” Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!

I offer you a challenge for tomorrow and your future: Jump Start Your Day with God! Let’s order our lives in such a way that we set our spirit in proper perspective as we head off into our day. I borrow a few lines of poetry by a renown author/poet Ralph Spaulding Cushman:

I met God in the morning,

When my day was at its bestAnd His presence came like sunrise,

Like a glory in my breast.

All day long the Presence lingered;

All day long He stayed with me;

And we sailed in perfect calmness

O’er a very troubled sea.

Plan to have a better day in spite of of the challenges that attempt to disrupt your day. Plan your day with an early conversation with GOD. Plan your day by reflective listening to God Speak through your Bible, inspirational devotional reading, songs or the quiet of nature. Find that space that is just right for you to have your moment with God and YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER DAY! 

If you have been wondering how to make your day better, “Jump start every day” in the Name of the One who gives you every day and keeps you through the day. Around every corner, in every bend in the road lies the possibility of a day gone bad. Prepare yourself with God’s Grace and Mercy as your covering for the unknown. You are not doing this to ward off a hoax, but you are doing this to live, love and make it through another day. 

May you find your strength to be a strengthening agent to someone along your path today. I thank God for my “Big Mama” who lived to be nearly 100 years old and is still teaching me how to have a better day with Jesus at the helm of it all. I can join Mr. Cushman in saying I have learned my lesson and I AM HAVING A BETTER DAY!


So I think I know the secret,

Learned from many a troubled way:

You must seek HIM in the morning

If you want HIM through the day!

Thank You Dr. Thomas W. Waitschies and Preston Hollow Church Family for allowing me the opportunity to share this Wednesday Word with YOU!

Guest Writer: Rev. Hadley R. Edwards Retired United Methodist Pasto