Wednesday Word - May 12

We’ve experienced some unseasonably cool days and wet weather. It has really been a welcome surprise. If you are a native Texan, or have been here any length of time, you know how precious this kind of surprise can be. We know as we approach the Summer, rain usually is in short supply, as well as cool temperatures.

What we do with unseasonable weather treats such as this is simply enjoy and thank God for such a blessing.

When we think of seasons and what takes place in those seasons, they are usually pretty routine. Fall, there’s the whole starting back to school routine. We get ready for the coming cooler months, we get our homes in order for the days and holidays ahead. Winter, we are in the midst of the holidays, preparing for guests and family, preparing for possible freezes, ice and maybe a little snow. Spring comes, we start readying our lawns and gardens for the awakening of new life. Summer approaches, we get ready for the slow hot days that seem to sap our energy.

Somewhere in the midst of those seasonal changes, we plan our trips to church and try to fit a little bit of God into our schedules. Then something happens. Maybe its the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, a wedding, a need, something occurs that drives us to seek out church and our church family. Its all out of the ordinary, messing up the routine. It is unseasonable.

When we have not made our worship of God an integral part of every season, every chapter of our lives, suddenly our longing for God and the comfort and surety God places in our lives is unseasonable. 

I just believe God welcomes the real deliciousness of our unseasonable turn from our self-imposed busy routines, to a time of seeking God’s presence. Just like we welcome unseasonable rain and coolness, God welcomes the unseasonable way we begin to focus on God and less on ourselves.

We are getting ready to come back to church, IN PERSON! We are getting ready to make the transition to being strictly on line in worship, to seeing one another, to worshiping in a corporate setting. I don’t know about you, but I am so ready to worship God with you, it is going to be the most incredible experience. We are planning for a great Pentecost service on May 23rd. The gift of the Holy Spirit is going to descend on us, and our worship will fill the heart of God. God is welcoming this unseasonable turn of events, waiting to welcome us.

I hope you’re planning on attending the service, sharing a part of you with all of us.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Tom