Wednesday’s Word | 12.9.20

Wednesday's Word - December 9, 2020

For Unto Us A Child Is Born

“Christmas is a season of not only rejoicing but of reflection.” — Winston Churchill

Have you ever noticed how babies bring out the best in people? Think about it: people talk softly, kindly, and lovingly around babies. Families gather together to see the brand new baby. Friends send gifts and meals to weary-eyed parents. Not to mention, people are always nicer to pregnant women (and rightfully so). Interestingly, that’s how the Christmas story begins: with a baby.

Isaiah 9:6-7 tells us that “unto us a child is born, to us a son is given,” and this child was Jesus. This Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace is the Savior of the world that people had been waiting for. When He came to earth, prophecies were fulfilled. This baby, born of a virgin, grew up to be a man who lived a perfect, sinless life. He died on a cross and rose from the dead, granting us the opportunity to be delivered from our sins. That’s what Christmas is all about. However, December is usually packed full of things that demand our attention:

  • Getting the perfect gifts for those on our list.
  • Being unusually kind with our words and actions.
  • Creating the most spectacular card to send to friends and family.

Those are all great things! However, if we’re not careful, we can allow the way we’re celebrating to replace the One we’re celebrating. We can keep our focus on Jesus while finding pleasure in God’s blessings to us. We are meant to enjoy things, not worship them.

Christmas brings out something in most of us. The something in us that wants to be generous, kind, festive, friendly.. But what if we didn’t wait until Christmas to be intentional? We don’t have to wait until December…

  • …to give to our Angel Tree or Homeless Mission.
  • …to be kind and speak kindly to others.
  • …to send a card to a family member.
  • …to create year-round traditions in our faith.

It seems like a lot, but it isn’t. It just takes a little bit of intention to do it. We have to mark our calendars, create a reminder on your phone, and simply follow through. Think of how it will feel when we hear the phrases, “Christmas is the season for giving” or “This is a time for family and friends” We should not do this just in December but should strive to do this all year long.

Pastor Tom will be taking a break from writing the Wednesday Word for the remaining month of December. A few of the church members will be blessing us with the weekly Wednesday Word.

Love. No Exceptions.
Jim Gray