Wednesday’s Word | 5.6.20

Preston Hollow United Methodist Church - Wednesday's Word

During this time of social distancing and sheltering at home, I’m guessing you, like me have some valuable time to yourself. Time which we spend in a variety of ways; completing some home projects that had been put aside, exploring new recipes, catching up on housework, and even more time for meditation and prayer.

In my meditation and prayer time, I do hear God speak. God speaks words that comfort my soul, that reassure me of God’s presence in my life, and words of hope. 

Today’s word that seems to be circulating in my consciousness, is gratitude. A definition of gratitude is: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

This week found me at the UPS store to send off a couple of items. The store was quite busy with traffic in and out, people needing to drop off and pick up packages. There were two employees working as hard as they could to fulfill the customer’s requests. These two persons were moving at a brisk pace while wearing masks and gloves, which I’m sure was not the most comfortable.  I did a short stint with UPS at one point in my life, so I know the requirements of their job include quickness in the completion of tasks. When it was my turn to step to the counter, the young woman was so extremely pleasant and helpful. Even though her lower face was covered by her mask, I could sense a smile. There are so many who are essential workers who are giving the best they have to serve all of us. I don’t know if gratitude could ever be expressed sufficiently to these persons. They work long hours serving us. They work at keeping us safe, then they go to their homes with the possibility of spreading the virus they work so hard to contain at work. They are truly putting all of us ahead of themselves.

Part of the definition of gratitude speaks of a readiness to return kindness. I’m making it a priority to return kindness to those who serve on my behalf. I want to be grateful by spreading respect, appreciation and kindness to those who are working so hard for me. I hope and pray that this word lifts your consciousness to include a true sense of gratitude. Just writing it down for us, has made me more aware of the need for more and more gratitude on my part.

Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Tom